Dr. Lata Murti

More than any other Brandman faculty I know, Dr. Jalin Johnson understands the importance of connection.

She makes it a point to reach out and support her colleagues not only when the need arises, but also whenever there is an opportunity to appreciate their ideas and accomplishments in any forum.

I will never forget the card I received from her at my Santa Maria campus office, in the summer of 2015, congratulating me for receiving the 2015 Brandman Outstanding Faculty of the Year Award. I am still so touched by the gesture, because she and I had hardly communicated with each other at that point. I didn’t even know that she knew who I was or that she had paid attention to my award, when she herself had received the 2015 Faculty of the Year Award for the School of Business and Professional Studies. Yet, she took the time to send me a hand-written note focusing on my achievement, even taking the time to look up my campus office address to make sure it reached me by mail.

Since then, I have had the pleasure of collaborating with Dr. Johnson for a panel presentation on using technology to teach and mentor military and veteran students, for the 2018 Hawaii International Conference on Education, and also as part of the BU-Virtual Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW)’s Committee on Diversity (CoD).

During both projects, Dr. Johnson’s pro-active collegiality distinguished her as a leader.

Indeed, as the 2017-2018 Diversity Chair for the BU-Virtual Branch of AAUW, Dr. Johnson initiated and led the Committee on Diversity (CoD).

I always looked forward to communicating with her, whether by e-mail or in a virtual meeting, as a member of both the conference panel and the CoD.

Dr. Johnson possesses an admirable talent for facilitating thoughtful and inclusive discussions. She listens carefully to everyone’s ideas, validates them, uses them as a point of departure for further collaboration, and makes sure that all actions taken respect everyone’s input, not just the input of a few. And she makes it look effortless!

I have learned so much from observing the way she runs meetings and presentations. And I can’t wait to collaborate with her further in the future!

Lata Murti, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Sociology Online Campus

murti@brandman.edu T 323.309.7795 (cell)

Brandman University

Dr. Leigh Anne Wilson

I became acquainted with Dr. Johnson in her administrative role upon my arrival as a new full time faculty member assigned to the Moreno Valley campus in the fall of 2012. At the time, she was working on her Ed.D. degree, and we formed a positive, collegial relationship that has endured after our duties took us to other locations and focused on other responsibilities. “Then as the Brandman University Virtual Branch of the American Association of University Women began to solidify in 2015, our paths crossed again and we built upon our existing solid relationship. She was one of the first faculty members to become involved with this new initiative. Further, she spearheaded our AAUW branch’s commitment to diversity, serving as Diversity Chair and organizing and facilitating the Diversity Workshop that was held university-wide during Spring 2018 Retreat. “She has proven herself to be an innovator and a leader who is well respected and is able to get things done. She is clearly deserving of a promotion to the rank of Associate Professor.” Leigh Ann Wilson Associate Professor Arts & Sciences

Dr. Nakisha Castillo

Dear Dr. Bullock, I am extremely pleased to provide a letter of support on behalf of Dr. Jalin Johnson.

Dr. Johnson and I have worked collaboratively campus and conference wide, I found her to be a competent, conscientious, and very hard working professional, who has ensured the efficacy of many projects.

Dr. Johnson, has been both a mentor and a colleague to me.

During the years of working with her, I have had the opportunity to observe and learn from her leadership skills. One of the reasons I admire Dr. Johnson, is she believes in positive motivation and those that she encounter are never dissatisfied with her leadership.

Dr. Johnson has great interpersonal skills- I would describe her as a dedicated and enthusiastic individual who has a great penchant for meeting deadlines.

Dr. Johnson, is able to be successful in the things that she does because when faced with challenges she is able to navigate them by seeking guidance, as well as she is never shy of hearing constructive criticism that help her to further develop into a professional and leader.

Dr. Johnson, exemplify many of Brandman University values, such as her flexibility, ability to practice inclusivity and diversity, and use of innovative ways in her leadership styles as she plans and leads various committees and conferences.

The knowledge and shared experiences that Dr. Johnson has imparted on me is invaluable.

Dr. Johnson special attributes for negotiation, communication, and leadership extend contributions to the University well beyond the bounds of her campuses and school.

Dr. Johnson, is an astute mentor, colleague, and professor who serves to model and support Brandman University mission and values.

Respectfully, Nakisha Castillo, DMFT Assistant Professor of Psychology ncastil1@brandman.edu

Dr. Catherine Pearlman

I had the pleasure of working with Dr. Johnson for a year on the Faculty Personnel Committee (FPC).

During that time I saw Dr. Johnson as an incredible asset to the team and university. She is capable, confident and organized. While being a strong leader she also has a way of bringing people in to collaborate.

Never did I see her flustered or stressed.

She is also funny and warm which adds a breath of fresh air to any committee meeting. Although FPC was led by a very capable chairperson, when Dr. Johnson left the committee her absence was strongly felt.

I couldn’t recommend Dr. Johnson strongly enough for promotion. She’s a valuable colleague who has shown herself to be worthy of the distinction.

Catherine Pearlman, PhD, LCSW Assistant Professor Brandman University T 914-433-4558

Dr. Ellen Derwin

It is my pleasure to support Dr. Johnson’s promotion to Associate Professor.

I have enjoyed working with Dr. Johnson on curriculum and assessment projects for the School of Business and Professional Studies. In particular, I was fortunate that Jalin volunteered to serve in a leadership role to integrate Institutional Learning Outcomes with Program Learning Outcomes.

This project was a large institution-wide initiative that required a rich understanding of assessment. Jalin not only demonstrated a thorough understanding of program assessment, but she also shared dedicated enthusiasm for work that many faculty do not easily embrace.

Jalin’s commitment resulted in improved signature assignments and rubrics, which contribute to enhanced curriculum, teaching, and learning. In my experience with Dr. Johnson, I have admired her perseverance, sincere concern for students and colleagues, and upbeat attitude.

Ellen Baker Derwin, Ph.D.

Associate Vice Chancellor of Institutional Assessment and Planning Associate Dean, Curriculum and Assurance of Learning

School of Arts and Sciences Associate Professor, Communications

T 949.706.7214 C 714-308-5646