Dr. Diana Cabori

Intelligence, innovation, determination, compassion, and grace are just a few nouns to describe Dr. Jalin Johnson. During our time together in the outreach department, Jalin served as a mentor and subject matter expert for the outreach team regarding strategic planning for partnerships and recruitment; especially the new Ed.D. program. Jalin is also a captivating speaker who I have enjoyed watching on a few occasions regarding ethics as it aligns to leadership, and Brandman My Path as a viable modality for prospects who were motivated and sought the ultimate in flexibility. Additionally, Jalin has been generous with her time via updating the outreach team on a breadth of programs on the Outreach Friday Calls as well as through attending meetings and conferences to help potential students determine their educational paths and how attending Brandman befitted their goals. Moreover, Jalin is passionate about students realizing their potential and increasing their self-efficacy. Further, her willingness to stretch her thinking and broaden her mindset combined with her patience and encouragement make her a rare gem and asset for our students and her colleagues. Diana Cabori, Ed.D. Senior Business Developer, School of Extended Education dcabori@brandman.edu T 949.491.6855