Dr. Marilou Ryder

I have known Dr. Jalin Johnson since the very beginning stages of my work with Brandman. She was one of the first people at Brandman to reach out personally to ask how I was doing and if I needed anything to become more acclimated to the university.

That’s one of the good things about Jalin; she cares about people and makes everyone feel special.

While Jalin is not assigned to the doctoral program she often teachers courses for the Ed.D program; most recently in the course titled Creativity, Innovation and Sustainability.

As the course lead for this course requiring my work with all the instructors in the course, I found that Dr. Johnson was one of our most respected professors by the students.

She always made sure each unit of instruction was engaging and purposeful and was always prompt and deliberate with student feedback on assignments.

Recently, it has become keenly obvious, that Dr. Johnson is one of the most sought after professors at Brandman by students to serve on their dissertation committees.

Just this past year alone, I had four of my students request that she serve on their dissertation committee.

Most importantly, Dr. Johnson, while well-liked and highly respected by students and colleagues alike, is a person of high integrity and good character. She possesses leadership qualities that go beyond the norm and works hard to ensure student success on every front. For example, when I asked if she would present a session at one of our Immersions for a small breakout on diversity, she didn’t hesitate for a second and said, “Yes.”

Student evaluations of that session were so outstanding that many students in attendance shared that the entire student body should have seen her presentation because it was so meaningful and effective for their own learning. Thus, Dr. Jalin and her colleague will be the Ed.D. Keynote speakers for the January 2018 Immersion!


Marilou Ryder

Marilou Ryder, Ed.D. Professor, School of Education

ryder@brandman.edu T: 949.753.4774 | C: 760.900.0556