Victoria Lim

I always picture Jalin Johnson standing tall in a light breeze, a cape flowing behind her and a large “L” on her shirt – for “leadership”, of course.

Fortunately, I know her not just as a fan of the comic book/superhero genre, but as one who makes anyone feel like they too can be a leader; someone who can stand up for the powerless and voiceless, be a critical thinker and thoughtful contributor to a conversation, a class, an organization and society.

I was fortunate to work with Jalin in two capacities: first, as the former assistant vice chancellor of communications for Brandman University, Jalin shared her perspectives in a monthly blog that related leadership teachings to pop culture. This made learning accessible – and interesting – to a wider audience, not just those studying for their BAOL or MAOL. She’s creative, relatable and smart. One example is her collaboration with professors from two other disciplines that resulted in a post showcasing Harry Potter-themed leadership lessons from several perspectives. It highlighted the broad expertise and education offered at Brandman University.

Second, on a personal note, she was also my first professor when I started pursuing my own degree. Her commitment to her students’ success was evident by the resources she shared, her accessibility, her thought-provoking conversations (even online) and general enthusiasm for wanting us to grow, learn and succeed.

Jalin is collaborative and inclusive.

She sees how diversity – thinking about it, teaching it, and representing it – can positively impact Brandman. She is a delight to work with and an inspiration for those of us working towards our degree.

Thank you for considering her promotion.

Victoria Lim, Vice President, Strategies360

Former Assistant Vice Chancellor of Communications, Brandman University



Dr. Gale Mazur

I fully support the recommendation to promote Dr. Jalin Johnson to Associate Professor. In collaborating with her on numerous projects, I’ve found she is a congenial team player who is committed to excellence and innovation in all she does.

Examples include:

ILO Revisions: Collaborating with the Assessment Office, Dr. Johnson and I are leading a project to update and merge the ILO and PLO curriculum maps for the BBA, BAOL and BSCT programs; this effort includes significant revisions to signature assignments.

Course Design: Having completed BCDC, Dr. Johnson works closely with Cii, the Curriculum Team and adjuncts in reviewing and revising courses to ensure they are relevant and current. My oversight courses have benefited from collaborating with her on updates.

Program Assessments/Reviews: Dr. Johnson has actively contributed to several BAOL and MAOL program assessments and reviews, and implemented action plan recommendations in courses for which she has oversight. Her understanding and commitment to these important processes is impressive.

Teaching: I frequently have students who praise Dr. Johnson as an outstanding instructor and mentor who willing shares her expertise These are just a few of many examples of Dr. Johnson’s leadership and commitment. She is a dedicated faculty member who role models Brandman’s values.

Gale Mazur, Ed.D. Associate Professor Organizational Leadership and Human Resources Business and Professional Studies Brandman University T 949.300.7055

Dr. Laura Galloway

Dr. Jalin Johnson and I have worked together for over 5 years, and during that time I have watched her collaborate, partner, facilitate, lead, improve and guide several important initiatives and processes for the university. Jalin is professional with every person she is in contact with and in every way. Dr. Johnson, has demonstrated an active interest and aptitude for excellence in teaching, mentoring and service to the University. She received the “Faculty of the Year” award as voted on my the entire University faculty body. She was a member of the inaugural BCDC program launched by BU’s CII department. Her development work continues to be a highlight and has set a new standard of interaction and engagement for course development. Furthermore, she continues to support, guide and mentor students through the difficult process of creating and writing their dissertations in the EdD program. Dr. Johnson is one of the most involved and collaborative faculty members I have seen at Brandman. She is the Diversity director of the AAUW committee, she coordinates and leads the Meniffee Business Advisory Board as well as the Faculty Training for the Ontario Campus. Dr. Johnson is an excellent instructor, innovative course developer, powerful mentor, strategic promoter, and dependable colleague. Dr. Johnson’s work will continue to drive Brandman University into the next level of excellence. Laura M. Galloway, PhD Assistant Professor, Business and Professional Studies Cell: 858.353.9956

Dr. Monica Shukla-Belmontes

I have had the distinct pleasure of working with Dr. Jalin B. Johnson over the past four years. During this time, Dr Johnson has gone above and beyond her role as a faculty member to bring light to the university’s strategic objectives.

In addition to her role teaching and mentoring students and adjunct faculty as a full-time faculty member, Jalin has also done extensive work with outreach associates, the School of Education, and the Inland Empire campuses. Specifically, she has led presentations for doctoral students during Immersion and been the lead coordinator of Adjunct Faculty professional development opportunities for the Riverside County faculty.

Through these networking opportunities and connections between campus affiliates, Jalin helps to create synergy to positively promote student retention. Her university efforts and quality of her teaching style have earned her recognition as the recipient of the Chancellor’s C.A.F.E. Award, School of Business and Professional Studies Faculty of the Year Award, and university-wide Faculty of the Year Award. In addition, she has been a member of the IRB Committee and Faculty Personnel Committee, which provide a campus-wide service to the institution. More specifically, as an Associate Dean, I have worked closely with Jalin with respect to Program Assessments and Program Reviews, the development of the CBE programs (BBA/MAOL), curriculum updates, and numerous conference presentations. She clearly understands the process through which our course learning outcomes must align back to the program and institutional learning outcomes, and has collaborated to develop more streamlined course rubrics. The quality of her work exemplifies both her leadership skills and understanding of effective curriculum design. She serves as an example of effective teaching, mentoring, and collegiality. It has been a pleasure co-presenting with Dr. Johnson at the American Association of University & Colleges conference regarding the competency-based education programs. Overall, I strongly recommend that Dr. Johnson receive the promotion to Associate Professor as she exemplifies quality in leadership and academia. All the best, Monica Monica Shukla-Belmontes, Ph.D. Associate Dean, Curriculum, Assurance of Learning and Tutorial Faculty Affairs Assistant Professor, Business Administration T 714.606.9001

Dr. Sharon Floyd

Dear Faculty Personnel Committee:

I am writing this letter in support of Dr. Jalin Johnson’s promotion to Associate Professor within the School of Business and Professional Studies. I have had the pleasure of working with Dr. Johnson for the past four years, and have come to know her as a proactive and engaged member of our faculty team. She continually looks for ways to bring our team together, whether it be through more formal avenues – such as faculty or curriculum team discussions, or through more informal gatherings, with faculty from other schools.

Dr. Johnson’s positive approach to her work, is enjoyable to observe. She is confident stepping outside of the traditional boundaries of her role, and is always willing to partner with other schools and departments to produce quality work. Whether it’s coordinating the Annual Inland Empire Personnel Development Days, working with the Center for Instructional Innovation (CII) on voice-over projects, participating on Brandman’s Internal Review Board (IRB), or partnering with the doctoral students in the School of Education, she can be counted on to contribute wholeheartedly, and with excellence!

In addition to her work with faculty and staff, her contributions to student success, is also noted. A couple of years ago, she had a group of Inland Empire students that needed a little more hand-holding than the general student population. She took this group of adult learners, and paired them with full-time faculty, in an effort to provide career counseling and support. Dr. Johnson moves with confidence, when working in even the most challenging of situations — never wavering, and always looking to provide opportunities that “stretch” her students.

Dr. Johnson was the first of our faculty team, to complete the BCDC Program, and has continued to implement the tools and lessons learned while engaging in the program. She is an advocate for quality curriculum, and executes with excellence, during the revision of current courses, and the development of new courses and programs.

Lastly, for the reasons stated above — and many more — I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Johnson’s promotion to Associate Professor, within the School of Business and Professional Studies.

All the Best,
Sharon R. Floyd, EdD, SHRM-SCP
Associate Dean, School of Business and Professional Studies

Kristen Grimes

As a student at Brandman University I had many instructors that helped me along the way, but I can honestly say that none challenged me in such a positive and meaningful way as Dr. Jalin Johnson. I am the type of student that wants to be pushed outside of my comfort zone as I enjoy growing and learning while proving to myself that I am capable of more than I give myself credit for. In the courses that I took with Dr. Johnson I can say that I experienced just that. Dr. Johnson created an environment built on mutual trust and respect between not just the student and instructor, but student to student as well. We were encouraged to have what may be considered “hard” discussions; conversations on race and equity and gender discrimination and politics (all during a very contentious political season no less!), yet they were always done so in such a respectful manner as led by Dr. Johnson, that we could actually have civil discourse that encouraged us to see outside of our own limited points of view. Through those conversations and exercises I can honestly say that I’m not the same person that I was on Day 1. I am more tolerant, more aware of my own personal biases, more attune to strong ethical characteristics in myself and others, more capable of leading and following, and I’m more willing to stop and check my own thoughts and feelings prior to reacting. I learned more in the courses I took with Dr. Johnson than in any other courses I had the pleasure of attending; and that says a lot because I took away so many positives from my program of study. In addition to being challenged in the instructional setting, Dr. Johnson encouraged me on a personal level as well. As a woman in today’s world, I was able to see a strong, educated female working in academia in a way that inspired, and continues to inspire me to be more, do more, achieve more. Dr. Johnson encourages me to reach further, and through a large part of her modeling and influence, I know that I will reach further. I work in the education field and I see a lot of instructors; some good, some okay, and some that I hope I never end up in a class with. I can, without reservation, say that Dr. Johnson is the epitome of what an excellent instructor of the highest caliber is. I offer my highest possible recommendation in sending her forward for promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor at Brandman University. I look forward with anticipation to the day when I get the opportunity to sit in Dr. Johnson’s class yet again. Sincerely, Kristen M. Grimes Class of 2018 Organizational Leadership

Peter Dandrea

I have been around many leaders, some of the best who have helped lead me my journey. Leadership is about Love! A leader has to love what they do and love their followers. I took a long time, almost a decade, to make the decision to go back to college. I failed and dropped out in my younger years. I didn’t believe that I was capable of the work needed to earn a degree. Dr. Johnson’s love for her profession and the perfection of her craft not only inspired myself but many of my classmates. I looked forwarded to attending class and learning along side my classmates and to the wise words Dr. Johnson spoke to me. I watched her interactions with other classmates and heard how she impacted them in their journey. I believe there is no such thing as a self made man or woman. We all learn from others, we learn from the leaders who push us and inspire us, ultimately allowing us to show are true potential. Dr. Johnson loves her profession, she loves to teach and share knowledge. You have to truly care about others and by Dr. Johnson demonstrating this type of love, she has created a better tomorrow. I can honestly say I have taking much of my lessons in leadership to heart in serving the community that I was sworn in to protect. Dr. Johnson if time permits and I could speak to the Dean of Brandman let me know when! Peter D’Andrea

Diamond Muganzo

In my five years at Brandman University, only two instructors (after our first class together) have I sought to sit under their teaching and Dr. Jalin Johnson is one.

In 2017, I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Studies in which Dr. Johnson taught two of my required classes and one elective class. My first reaction to her was that she exudes confidence in not only her abilities to teach but also who she is as a person.

Her ability to command respect from her students and for her students to respect one another and their opinions is a breath of fresh air.

As an Assistant Professor at Brandman University, she exemplifies what Brandman University states on their website: “Discover the Brandman University Difference – Personalized Service From information meetings to registering for class to academic advising, our faculty and staff are committed to helping you access the resources and services you need to succeed at Brandman University” (Brandman University Staff, n.d.).

While under her instruction, she was ever available to answer any question she received and went out of her way to assist her students in succeeding at Brandman University. Her positive and uplifting attitude continually encourages her students to improve who they are and who they will become.

Just imagine the success her students will receive as the sit under her teaching as an Associate Professor.

Reference Brandman University Staff. (n.d.). Current Students. Retrieved Jul 24, 2018, from Brandman University:

Diamond L. Muganzo, B.A. Liberal Studies MAT – Multi-subject Teaching Pending 2019

Erik Dye

In my experience as a retired Navy Chief Petty Officer with 22 years of service I found that Professor Johnson was extremely intelligent, insightful and firm, but fair. I did not, in fact, expect my experience at Brandman to be a life altering experience, however it was and this is in large part due to Professor Johnson’s guidance and mentoring.

I entered Brandman University as I retired from the US Navy and having just been diagnosed with a serious medical condition. I truly considered stepping away from school, but continued due to the engagement, perhaps the temporary escape from reality. I stayed at Brandman due to the challenge it brought me and the insight of professors, especially Professor Johnson.

There is a rare point in time where education, mentoring and growth flourish. I, personally, found this to be true Brandman University and specifically in Professor Johnson’s courses. To find a space, especially in these times, in which a respectful discourse could take place and one could freely speak their mind is rare. An environment in which students could agree to disagree and understand that this was acceptable is truly an infrequent event, but was the norm under Professor Johnson’s tutelage.

Erik Dye

Robert Brown

Dr. Jalin Johnson is amongst my professors in my undergrad studies that left a lasting impression on me. Dr. Johnson creates a learning environment that helps to relate key concepts and theories in an understandable way to all students. She encourages everyone in class to become involved and helps us to identify past accomplishments and failures that relate to course topics. Personally I was apprehensive to start my graduate work, my mind was set at ease when I found out Dr. Johnson would be my first professor towards a graduate degree. From my experience with her before, I knew that the course would not only be enjoyable but I would have a professor who knew how to reach her audience and help them become better leaders. She utilized tools like ice breakers, group projects and in class discussion that made class enjoyable and the highlight of my week. She utilized stories from personal experience and personally developed in class presentations that made every night in class memorable. Robert Brown

Dr. Nate Sexton

Throughout my time at Brandman I have found Jalin to be a wonderful resource from her willingness to answer any questions, to her thoughtful responses. While she has helped me to better navigate through questions I have at times about the Brandman system, it really can’t be stated enough her ability to understand and connect with students.

She was able to offer guidance and support as I looked for way to better connect to students through an online world.

Recently while teaching one of her redesigned shells, I was reminded of how she stays student focused and helps to lay things out in a manner that are easy to follow and be understood.

Dr. Nate Sexton

Ian Grimbaldeston

I am sending this to outline my experience of working with Jalin, not only as a course overseer but also as a course designer. From my perspective of Jalin in support of adjuncts that has to be a absolute positive. It is my policy to always find out who is the course caretaker whenever I start a new session, simply because of knowing where to turn for help if needed. I find most of the oversight at Brandman good to great, my experience of Jalin is great to exceptional. I have found her to be responsive, insightful, WISE and competent. She knows here stuff AND she knows not only what it is like to teach the shell but also how to work with someone else teaching the shell. She supports innovation, experimentation and above all engagement. I have no complaints from this perspective and am delighted when I find out its Jalin In regards to the development of materials and course design. I have taught several times 2 of the courses I know are hers, both in the Maters in OL….The second is OLCU 601 Democracy and Ethics. Another great course that has such range and depth. Again I taught it as a developmental process using Kohlberg, Erikson and Jalins article on what I call “narratives” (framing) ECP (Experience, Context and Perception)…which is a crossover concept between so many courses. Another great course which is personally challenging and significantly reflective. I have found these course so well thought through, executed AND logical! Anyhow, one adjuncts perspective on both development of and support of core components. If you have any questions, do let me know. Ian Grimbaldeston

Dr. Timothy Perez

Jalin embodies all the ideal qualities that one would expect and desire of a Brandman faculty member: integrity, dedication, enthusiasm and collegiality.

Personally I have had the privilege to collaborate with Professor Johnson in two key Brandman committees: the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the Faculty Personnel Committee (FPC). During such time she worked efficiently and collaboratively with all fellow committee members. As a fellow colleague in the School of Business and Professional Studies (BP&S) she provides respected and well-thought feedback during curriculum team activities. She is a true team player and brings joy and smiles to everyone she works with.

Professor Johnson is an invaluable asset to our school and I can only offer her the highest praise and accolades!

Tim Dr. Timothy J. Perez, D.Sc., CISSP, MCSE Associate Professor of Information Systems Management School of Business and Professional Studies C 714.904.5044

Yolanda Williams

My name is Yolonda Williams and I have been an Adjunct faculty member with Brandman since 2013 in the Organizational Leadership program.

Being a graduate of Chapman University I am so grateful for the opportunity to teach within the program that has meant so very much to me. Over the past five years I’ve had the privilege to have a consistent go-to helping hand in Jalin.

She is always responsive to all the many inquiring emails I send to her. Even though we’ve never met in person, I feel as if I know her because of her personable approach to communicating and virtual troubleshooting skills.

I am certain if I ever needed anything (and I’ve had a lot of questions) she will always be there to assist me in any way she can. And on the off chance she doesn’t have the answer, she will get me connected to the person who can help me which is greatly appreciated. With Jalin, I always feel connected to Brandman, I feel my voice is heard and I’m able to contribute to the continuous improvements being made to the online courses I teach.

It means a lot as I’ve never been on campus, and as a part timer, can feel a bit disconnected. Jalin makes everything as smooth as possible, and I really love working with her.

Yolonda Williams – MAOL, MPM Adjunct Professor Online

Dr. Rowlanda Cawthon

Working in higher education can be both exhilarating and challenging. As an educator, I have learned that having positive and emotionally intelligent people in your circle of influence makes navigating through the highs and lows of this profession easier.

While earning my Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership and serving as an adjunct for the School of Business and Professional Studies, I have had the privilege of having Dr. Jalin B. Johnson in my corner as a mentor and friend. Honestly, to say that she is merely a colleague would be an understatement. Dr. Johnson’s level of engagement and concern for me as an adjunct and doctoral student is unparalleled.

Although I live in Washington State, she maintains communication with me and expresses genuine concern for my professional and personal wellbeing. Recently, while teaching a newly developed graduate-level course, an issue emerged with students that required her attention. Dr. Johnson did not immediately assume that I did something wrong, but she extended an opportunity for me to have a voice.

This is only one example of how she made me feel valued and heard. When I was a doctoral student, her encouraging words and belief in me made the journey easier and the light brighter at the end of the tunnel.

I am delighted that Dr. Johnson is preparing for promotion to Associate Professor at Brandman.

Undoubtedly, she serves as an example of a quintessential educator, servant and transformational leader. Based on my experiences and collaborative efforts with her, I wholeheartedly believe she is deserving and beyond capable of advancing Brandman’s vision, mission and values in this capacity.


Dr. Rowlanda N. Cawthon Alumni and Adjunct, School of Business and Professional Studies Brandman University

Mary Acosta

Dr. Johnson takes her responsibilities as course coordinator seriously.

She is proactive in reaching out to instructors, keeps them informed throughout the term and makes herself available at all times.

I have found Dr. Johnson to be extremely professional in her interactions with me (an adjunct faculty).

She is prompt, courteous, and focused on providing relevant and timely information.

I teach for Brandman University nearly every term of the year, and I find Dr. Johnson — when seen over the broad spectrum of course oversight — to provide an extremely high level of course coordination/oversight.

She is simply at the top of her game!

Best regards — Mary Ann

Mary Ann Acosta OLCU adjunct faculty phone 253-363-1287

Tess Breen

Dr. Johnson has been an incredible mentor and support system to me over the past 4 years.

She was my first point of contact as a first-time adjunct instructor and has become a friend along the way.

Dr. Johnson has helped me develop in my career as a result of the valuable Professional Development Meetings she orchestrates and she also encouraged me to further my own career by pursuing my Ed.D degree at Brandman.

If that wasn’t enough, she is now serving as a committee member on my dissertation.

There is no end to her support and encouragement! In addition to her personal and professional skills, which are impressive, I view Dr. Johnson as an important agent of positive change in the School of Business and Professional Studies as she represents a diverse and inclusive perspective which benefits every member of the University.

I just cannot recommend her more highly!

She has made a tremendous impact on my personal and professional life and I cannot think of anyone worthier of an elevated position at Brandman.

Tess Breen, M.A. Adjunct Professor, Organizational Leadership | Communications Brandman University

Dr. John Besaw

Dr. Jalin Johnson is highly regarded as an educator who collaborates and visibly supports her Adjunct Faculty teams.

She is positive, supportive and a caring role model who understands collaborative communication processes and develops strong student-centered teams.

She understands the complexity and challenges of online learning, while providing needed encouragement and guidance to adjunct faculty team members. Her support, encouragement, and guidance have been instrumental to success. I consider Jalin as a trusted and experienced colleague.

In areas where I struggle, I have depended on Jalin to provide advice and connect me to the main campus. During these times it has been a two-way experience as she provides advice and perspective.

There is no doubt that she has a very significant positive impact. I appreciate her commitment of time and energy. She has always been there when needed.

Please accept my enthusiastic support of Dr. Jalin Johnson for advancement to Associate Professor. I look forward to working with her in the future.

Moreover, I feel we owe it to our students and the institution to have Dr. Jalin Johnson become an Associate Professor!

Sincerely, John Besaw, Ph.D.

Adjunct Faculty

Marisol Alaniz

Jalin is an inspired andragogic and phenomenal mentor to her students. Her engagement with students goes beyond coaching and encouragement to deep and critical conversations that helps students reach their potential. I am grateful for her work in the Ed.D. Program, as an instructor, presenter, and keynote speaker. Students disclose that Jalin is personable and compassionate and that it is evident that she leads from the heart. In addition to being a phenomenal professor and the recipient of the 2017 Faculty of the Year Award, she is a kindhearted person and a dear friend. My work at Brandman as an Administrator and Adjunct Faculty member would not be the same without Jalin. She has truly made my life richer for knowing her. Sr. Doc Program Support Spec, Organizational Leadership

John “Jay” Hawes

“Over the last several years, it has been a great pleasure to work closely with Jalin Johnson in the OLCU courses that I teach online for Brandman University. She has consistently done a thorough job of overseeing the courses I teach and revising them from time to time which is not an easy task. She has done a superior job of communicating with the faculty under her and keeping them well informed. Whenever there has been a curriculum or course-related issue, Jalin has been easy to get in touch with and has always offered professional and helpful advice. She has guided the faculty as a team when updating and improving online courses. The improvements I’ve seen her produce consistently maintain the rigor of the courses as well as key academic objectives. I continue to value her as a mentor and guide with regard to teaching and curriculum development. Sincerely, John Hawes, MIM 916-715-4071 (cell – PST) Adjunct Faculty Member for Chapman and Brandman Universities since 1993” John (Jay) Hawes, MIM Adjunct Instructor since 1993 916-715-4071